Video Analytics Will Report if a Stranger Is on the Property—But Won’t Bother You about the Cat

Imagine you’re out to dinner with friends, enjoying the time chatting and sharing a bottle of wine. Just then, your phone vibrates. It’s your home security system alerting you that there’s been activity detected on the back porch.

Your heart races as you swipe open the app, checking live video footage. But the worry quickly subsides into annoyance. It’s only a raccoon, and that’s the third false alarm this week!

Home security cameras are meant to protect our families. So, what do we do if they’re not always helpful in catching important activities? If you receive too many needless notifications, you may stop reading them altogether.

But ignoring your security system could pose serious risks and also negates the entire purpose of home surveillance. Luckily, today’s video analytic technology and remote monitoring services report only truly unusual activity—and the system knows what isn’t a threat. Read on to see how smarter security can protect your home in Toronto, ON.

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The Power of Video Analytics

You don’t want your system dinging your phone every time a bug flies by or a leaf ruffles in the frame. And you also don’t want to sift through hundreds of video clips just to find a specific moment from yesterday.

Thankfully, video analytics create a smarter approach to security. cameras are equipped with AI technology that recognizes the difference between people, animals, and cars. Your cameras can even differentiate between your family and strangers approaching the house. You’re free to search through footage for a specific image, like a man in a blue shirt, and create specific rules for notifications.

How to Set Up Video Analytics

If you own cameras, you can arrange analytic rules through the website. Once signed in, you can draw virtual tripwires that trigger notifications when crossed. For example, a tripwire across your driveway will notify you every time a car pulls in.

Plus, you can select areas of interest that trigger alerts during set times. With a comprehensive smart system, you can even prompt lights to turn on when motion is detected, making it look like someone is always home.

Ensure Nothing’s Missed with Monitoring Services

When you rely on yourself to monitor your surveillance cameras, you’re bound to miss something—especially if you own multiple properties. Home security is supposed to ease your anxiety, not heighten it. So why not make the whole process simpler with monitoring services?

Professional monitoring services evaluate your security alerts for you when you can’t be reached. If an alarm is triggered, a monitoring agent will remotely check your security cameras if you don’t respond. They’ll assess the situation for you and call the authorities if necessary.

Where to Find Video Analytic Cameras

If you’re looking for smarter security in the Toronto area, Connect E3 is your destination. We design and install custom systems for Ontario homeowners, knowing that when it comes to home security, one size does not fit all. Contact us here to get started!